
Viewing entries tagged
extreme fitness


Back to School!


The end of August is almost here... back-to-school sales have begun, the weather will soon be cooling down (fingers crossed!) and kids will soon be headed to their next year of school. Seriously - Where has the time gone?! This new season is right around the corner, and with that comes so much busyness with new schedules and after-school activities for the kiddos. It always seems like we are always on-the-go! With this crazy schedule, our own personal fitness can easily be pushed to the back of our brain - you know, back there with all the other tasks we have all been procrastinating...cleaning our closets, for example. It is so easy for us to want to hit snooze to get in a few more minutes of sleep, and then before we know it the day is busy, busy, busy until we put our feet back into bed.


Let this autumn be a bit different. Let's FALL into a new routine that will be oh-so-easy to fit into anyone's schedule. Shaun T., the creator and instructor behind Insanity, has a new workout called FOCUS T25. And you can get your workout done in just 25 little tiny minutes. Crazy! Swap out a few minutes from Facebook surfing and Pinterest pinning, to put yourself first and get so much in return! You will find so much more energy in your day and when done 5 days a week with the correct nutritional guide, you will see great results!


This workout requires no equipment just FOCUS. You have to sign over 25 min. to Shaun T. for him to push you hard but in return you are DONE for the day. One of the best aspects of this workout is that you can do it right at home in your living room. No need to tack on extra time getting over to the gym, just flip on the TV while the kids are doing homework or taking a nap.


As some of y'all may know, I had the awesome opportunity to be in the test group for this product before it hit the shelves. I got amazing results - even with being a busy mom with 2 growing boys, owning my own business, and being an active member in the community - I lost 21 pounds and 14 inches! It is so do-able! Just carve out those 25 min. and FOCUS on you! You will be amazed at how great you feel. It comes with a nutritional guide with easy meals to make, and a workout schedule. Plus you get me as your personal motivator! I have an online accountability group where I post my tips on how I got these results so that you can get them too.  You get your own personal workout cheerleader!! :)   Just drop me a quick message and I will add your to our next group.


So before you forget, add T25 to your to-do-list and get to work. Remember the best part: 25 minutes and you are done! It is just that easy. Email me:  melissa@monsterhomefitness.com. I hope to hear from you!! Don't delay because you can quickly melt the pounds away!!!

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If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Summer is Among Us


Will you be at the pool or beach this summer? I will for sure! We are a few months out from summertime fun- that's plenty of time to get yourself ready for the swimsuit of your choice! I will be hosting Challenge Groups over the next few months that I would love for you to be a part of. A Challenge Group consists of working through a Beachbody program of your choice, drinking Shakeology once a day, and keeping accountable through a private Facebook page. Please considering joining in! You can find out more about the Challenge Groups and see when they are announced by connecting with me on Facebook. All you have to follow the link to the right to my Facebook page...click LIKE and get ready to be challenged!!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Shamrock Smoothie

Green Smoothie

Considering it's St. Patrick's Day, I thought this would be a great, healthy way to celebrate!

This minty Shakeology recipe satisfies your sweet tooth and your desire to raise a glass to St. Patrick, but it's great any time of the year.

Total Time: 15 min. Prep Time: 15 min. Yield: 1 serving

Ingredients: 1 cup almond milk, unsweetened 1 kiwi fruit, peeled and diced ¼ cup fresh mint leaves 1 tsp. pure maple syrup 1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology 1 cup ice cubes

Preparation: 1. Place almond milk, kiwi, mint, maple syrup, Shakeology, and ice in blender. 2. Cover and blend until smooth.

Nutritional Information: (per serving)

Calories: 254

Fat: 4g

Saturated Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: 10g

Sodium: 280mg

Carbs: 39g

Fiber: 6g

Sugars: 25g

Protein: 18g


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com

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"Check-out" Shakeology

Our good friend Tony Horton is in a new promotional video for Shakeology! This video cracks me up- but, it's so true!! Many people are hesitant about Shakeology because of the price, but when you see everything you get, and what it would cost you to buy those supplements individually, it can't be denied that Shakeology is a steal of a deal! The video shows the price as $129.95- BUT, if you sign up for home direct before April 1st, you can be grand-fathered into the current price of $119.95! It's too good of a deal to pass up. Please contact me today!! (don't miss out on the video below!!) tonyshakeovideo

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If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


The Trouble with Sleeping

We are heading into what can be a busy, stressful season for some people. If you haven't done them already, taxes will be due soon- a task that many consider quite an undertaking. Spring Break is in a few weeks. The kids will be home. Some of us may be taking vacations full of activity and travel. Sleep won't be a priority. In the most recent Beachbody newsletter, Denis Faye has a great article on sleep solutions. He is sure to point out that not all of these worked for him, but they can be modified to fit the individual. As you approach this busy- maybe sleepless- season, implement a few of these and see if you can reclaim the night!

1. Make your bedroom and electronics-free zone.

2. Work out at night.

3. "If you are not asleep in ten minutes, get up."

4. Set a routine bedtime.

5. No coffee after a certain hour.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Weight Loss Conundrums

There is nothing more frustrating than committing to a weight loss program and then finding out that you are still gaining weight. Steve Edwards, over at Team Beachbody, has a new article about common weight loss conundrums. Below are three of the five points that I found most interesting and relevant to my fitness.body-pump-group-1024x640 1. Cortisol. This performance enhancing stress hormone is present in your body for the "survival instinct". When you begin a new workout program, your body believes it is in survival mode until it adjusts to the demands of the program. So, you retain water to help rebuild muscle tissue. Once your body adjusts to the program, it will release less cortisol.

2. Under-eating. Some of Beachbody's programs have a kick-start eating plan in the beginning which asks that you not eat too much until you work yourself back up to a healthy eating plan. You may see weight gain during this time because of...you guessed it, cortisol. It's important that, while working out, you maintain a healthy eating plan so that your body does not think it's in survival mode.

3. The plateau. If you have been doing the same routine or workout for an extended period of time, you will stop seeing results. It's important to push past a plateau by adding resistance, increasing your intensity, or changing your workout program altogether.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Making it Stick!

The new year is well underway, and I'm sure that many of you, myself included, have made resolutions and goals for 2013. It east to make the resolution, but much harder to stick to it. This month's issue of the Beachbody newsletter has some great tips on how to make your commitment stick.

  • Plan ahead. Having a well thought out plan or goal is the best way to be successful. Jumping into something without the proper preparation can be more frustrating and difficult than if you write out your goals and know them before hand.
  • Shout it from the rooftops. Tell someone, or a group of people about your goals. Facebook has provided us with a great forum for accountability.
  • Strategize. Reaching your goal takes strategy. You have to have small steps in place  in order to reach the larger objective.
  • Think positive...but not too positive. It's important to admit that failure is possible. Make a Plan B in case you don't reach your original goal.
  • Know thy enemy. Don't bank on your self-control. Sometimes you will be more successful by avoiding the temptation entirely.
  • Reward yourself. Long term goals take time. It is wise to reward yourself along the way. But make sure that your rewards are in line with what your goal is. If losing weight is the goal, instead of eating a cake after working out all week, buy a new outfit you can't yet fit into. The reward is waiting when you've reached your goal!
  • Don't let setbacks derail you. You will mess up at some point. Instead of throwing in the towel for the day, salvage the rest of it and make good choices that get you to your goal from that point on.

I think the most important point of this whole article is accountability. Whether you are trying to lose weight, eat better, get out of debt...whatever your goal- accountability is key. Robert and I would love to help hold you accountable if you need it. Follow these links to our Facebook fitness pages, click LIKE and we can encourage one another in reaching our goals for 2013!

Robert's Page                               Melissa's Page



If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Goal Setting for 2013

Every year about this time Robert and I go to a nice dinner and write down our goals for the upcoming year. We also look back on the ones we wrote down the year before. We have our own set of goals in categories of Faith, Fitness, Family, Financial, Business, and personal growth(ex..learn Spanish, take a cooking class). This year Robert and I are taking a free online class from my friend and mentor Chalene Johnson. I took this class August 2012, and it was this course that helped take my business from Diamond Rank to 2 Star Diamond while increasing my weekly checks by 45%. That's a nice raise!! This is not for Beachbody Coaches only. It's for anyone who has a goal he/she wants to achieve like new job, lose weight, increase your income, organize your house..whatever it is, join us and do this course. It's free what can you lose right?

Here is the link: 30 Day Challenge


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


New Year, New You!

I want you to take a moment and think about what New Year Goals YOU want to achieve? Perhaps one of these questions hits home for you:

1. Do you want to get healthy? 2. Do you want to fit in your skinny jeans? 3. Do you want to look in the mirror and feel GOOD about what you see? 4. Do you want to have energy? 5. Do you want to add years onto your life ? 6. Do you want to set a good example for your children? 7. Do you want to have a more positive attitude? 8. Do you want to build relationships with others going through the same things? 9. Do you want to strength your current relationships? 10. Do you want to have more confidence? 11. Do you want to get your life on track and start a new healthy lifestyle?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would love to help you get on the path to acheiving your goal! I have a new Challenge group starting SOON. Please check out my Facebook page for more details, or contact me directly!!



If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Getting the Most from COMBAT!

The Beachbody newsletter has some great tips for those of you that have finally received Les Mills COMBAT. This is a program that requires a serious commitment and you will want to prepare your body for the challenge. Make sure you are getting serious sleep. You will need to give your muscles plenty of recovery time, and sleep is the best way to do it!

Eat small meals more frequently. Eating on a regular schedule will help reduce your chances of overindulging and will keep your blood sugar and metabolism at a good level.

I can't wait to hear about your experience with COMBAT. Feel free to click LIKE in the right side bar and leave me a comment about your experience with the program!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com