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What Type of Results Can You Expect From P90X3?

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It’s kind of funny when I hear these types of questions because so few people believe that they can’t get great results unless they are working out for an hour or two per day.   That is simply not true.   That myth has been officially BUSTED!   Science has shown that you can get an efficient, butt-kicking workout in as little as 25-30 minutes per day.   Long gone are the hour-long workouts where you have a ton of rest between exercises.   Now, accelerated workouts are the key.   So, you may wonder what type of results you can get from P90X3 since it is only 30 minutes per day.   Here is my good friend Tony Horton as he sheds more light on what to expect. 

Remember, X3 comes out on December 10th.  You will want to make sure you get yours right away because, just like Focus T25, I am sure it will sell out fast and you’ll be stuck waiting. If you want to be the first to hear about P90X3 sign up below and you will be given an update when the product is released for ordering! 

Be the first to hear about P90X3

Sign up below & be notified when released. 

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If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


P90X3 Is Coming!

Newest Workout: P90X3  

Beachbody is coming out with P90X3 this Holiday Season!  

P90X3 is going to be a 30 minute intensive workout that will require focus and persistence, but in the end create fabulous results. The program will have 20 different workouts and last for 90 days. This program is unlike any other. Tony extracted the best of the best out of P90X & P90X2 to create P90X3. You just need 30 minutes and you are done for the day. 


 Eager to see what P90X3 is all about? Well good news, friends! 

You can see a sneak peak to P90X3 on October 20th in Dallas, Texas. 

Tony Horton is coming to Dallas to show us an exclusive preview to this new workout during an all day event. It is one that you CANNOT miss out on. The event will include 2 master class workouts, a Q&A session with Tony, Top Tips Presentations from Tony and Founding Beachbody Coaches, and much more... 

To sign up CLICK HERE!  




If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Summer is Among Us


Will you be at the pool or beach this summer? I will for sure! We are a few months out from summertime fun- that's plenty of time to get yourself ready for the swimsuit of your choice! I will be hosting Challenge Groups over the next few months that I would love for you to be a part of. A Challenge Group consists of working through a Beachbody program of your choice, drinking Shakeology once a day, and keeping accountable through a private Facebook page. Please considering joining in! You can find out more about the Challenge Groups and see when they are announced by connecting with me on Facebook. All you have to follow the link to the right to my Facebook page...click LIKE and get ready to be challenged!!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com

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"Check-out" Shakeology

Our good friend Tony Horton is in a new promotional video for Shakeology! This video cracks me up- but, it's so true!! Many people are hesitant about Shakeology because of the price, but when you see everything you get, and what it would cost you to buy those supplements individually, it can't be denied that Shakeology is a steal of a deal! The video shows the price as $129.95- BUT, if you sign up for home direct before April 1st, you can be grand-fathered into the current price of $119.95! It's too good of a deal to pass up. Please contact me today!! (don't miss out on the video below!!) tonyshakeovideo

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If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Goal Setting for 2013

Every year about this time Robert and I go to a nice dinner and write down our goals for the upcoming year. We also look back on the ones we wrote down the year before. We have our own set of goals in categories of Faith, Fitness, Family, Financial, Business, and personal growth(ex..learn Spanish, take a cooking class). This year Robert and I are taking a free online class from my friend and mentor Chalene Johnson. I took this class August 2012, and it was this course that helped take my business from Diamond Rank to 2 Star Diamond while increasing my weekly checks by 45%. That's a nice raise!! This is not for Beachbody Coaches only. It's for anyone who has a goal he/she wants to achieve like new job, lose weight, increase your income, organize your house..whatever it is, join us and do this course. It's free what can you lose right?

Here is the link: 30 Day Challenge


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


New Year, New You!

I want you to take a moment and think about what New Year Goals YOU want to achieve? Perhaps one of these questions hits home for you:

1. Do you want to get healthy? 2. Do you want to fit in your skinny jeans? 3. Do you want to look in the mirror and feel GOOD about what you see? 4. Do you want to have energy? 5. Do you want to add years onto your life ? 6. Do you want to set a good example for your children? 7. Do you want to have a more positive attitude? 8. Do you want to build relationships with others going through the same things? 9. Do you want to strength your current relationships? 10. Do you want to have more confidence? 11. Do you want to get your life on track and start a new healthy lifestyle?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would love to help you get on the path to acheiving your goal! I have a new Challenge group starting SOON. Please check out my Facebook page for more details, or contact me directly!!



If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com

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Staying Fit Through the Holidays

It's so important during this tempting season to continue to remind yourself of ways to stay fit and healthy. When the treats call your name from the break room, or you find yourself at yet another holiday party, remember these tips to stay on track. -Write down what you eat. You are less likely to put a third cookie in your mouth if you have to write it down and be held accountable for it.

-Eat before parties. If you know you will be heading out to a party with lots of treats, eat a healthy meal before hand so you will feel satisfied and less likely to over indulge with sweets.

-Offer to bring a healthy option. There are so many great recipes out there for healthy snacking. You don't have to bring a dessert to a party- opt instead for a healthy dip or veggies.

Most importantly this season, don't stop exercising! It's so easy to use the holidays as an excuse to take a break, but you will find that it will be so much harder to start back up if you stop. Keep pushing and don't give up this holiday season!!!

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If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Inspiration to Motivate YOU!

Thanksgiving has passed. It's time to continue the work you've been doing on transforming your life- physically and mentally. To get you motivated, here are a few success stories from Beachbody Challenge winners. Let their success be an encouragement to keep going!! Simply click on the photo below to see their amazing pics and read their stories.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Black Friday Event

Rumor has it there will be a huge Black Friday Sale Event this week! I can't wait to share all the details with you! Stay tuned for more info and how to take advantage of the awesome deals!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Dieting Myths

Making the decision to become healthier is exciting but getting started can be difficult. There are so many different ways to incorporate fitness and clean eating into your life that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Beachbody offers a host of great workouts that you can do right from your home- INSANITY, TurboFire, P90X and P90X2. They also offer great eating plans and dieting resources. One of those resources, the Beachbody Newsletter, has a great article on some of the most common dieting myths. These are the ones that stuck out to me: :

1. It's organic...it must be healthy. Organic foods are great and you should try to eat them as much as possible. But, just because it is organic doesn't mean that it is good for you. Organic simply means that it does not contain or been produced using antibiotics, growth hormones, conventional pesticides, and synthetic ingredients. But, no matter how organic a cookie is, it's still just a cookie. The calories don't magically disappear in organic foods, so be careful!

2. Order a salad if you don't know what you should eat. This myth can be a good option in many scenarios, but again you have to be careful to know what you are ordering. Salads slathered with creamy dressings and topped with bacon, eggs, candied nuts, etc are not a healthy choice. It's best to go with dressing on the side and only fresh veggie toppings.

3. Avoid snacking on fruit- it's just sugar. Yes, fruit contains sugar. But it also contains antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. A candy bar doesn't offer any of those! So, while sugar can be an enemy to you weight loss, fruit is the perfect alternative to junk!

To see the full list of myths, head over here!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com