
Viewing entries tagged
Robert Hudgens


The Trouble with Sleeping

We are heading into what can be a busy, stressful season for some people. If you haven't done them already, taxes will be due soon- a task that many consider quite an undertaking. Spring Break is in a few weeks. The kids will be home. Some of us may be taking vacations full of activity and travel. Sleep won't be a priority. In the most recent Beachbody newsletter, Denis Faye has a great article on sleep solutions. He is sure to point out that not all of these worked for him, but they can be modified to fit the individual. As you approach this busy- maybe sleepless- season, implement a few of these and see if you can reclaim the night!

1. Make your bedroom and electronics-free zone.

2. Work out at night.

3. "If you are not asleep in ten minutes, get up."

4. Set a routine bedtime.

5. No coffee after a certain hour.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Inspiration to Motivate YOU!

Thanksgiving has passed. It's time to continue the work you've been doing on transforming your life- physically and mentally. To get you motivated, here are a few success stories from Beachbody Challenge winners. Let their success be an encouragement to keep going!! Simply click on the photo below to see their amazing pics and read their stories.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Black Friday Event

Rumor has it there will be a huge Black Friday Sale Event this week! I can't wait to share all the details with you! Stay tuned for more info and how to take advantage of the awesome deals!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Dieting Myths

Making the decision to become healthier is exciting but getting started can be difficult. There are so many different ways to incorporate fitness and clean eating into your life that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Beachbody offers a host of great workouts that you can do right from your home- INSANITY, TurboFire, P90X and P90X2. They also offer great eating plans and dieting resources. One of those resources, the Beachbody Newsletter, has a great article on some of the most common dieting myths. These are the ones that stuck out to me: :

1. It's organic...it must be healthy. Organic foods are great and you should try to eat them as much as possible. But, just because it is organic doesn't mean that it is good for you. Organic simply means that it does not contain or been produced using antibiotics, growth hormones, conventional pesticides, and synthetic ingredients. But, no matter how organic a cookie is, it's still just a cookie. The calories don't magically disappear in organic foods, so be careful!

2. Order a salad if you don't know what you should eat. This myth can be a good option in many scenarios, but again you have to be careful to know what you are ordering. Salads slathered with creamy dressings and topped with bacon, eggs, candied nuts, etc are not a healthy choice. It's best to go with dressing on the side and only fresh veggie toppings.

3. Avoid snacking on fruit- it's just sugar. Yes, fruit contains sugar. But it also contains antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. A candy bar doesn't offer any of those! So, while sugar can be an enemy to you weight loss, fruit is the perfect alternative to junk!

To see the full list of myths, head over here!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Exercise and Illness

Back in October, I got sick and was faced with the dilemma of whether or not I should continue my workout regimen. I had always heard that if the cold was in your head, continuing exercise was fine, but if it was in your chest it was best to rest. As we approach flu season, it's important to know how to handle illness and exercise. Steve Edwards wrote a great article in the most recent Beachbody newsletter that addresses this issue. In his article he gives a few pointers for what to do in regards to fitness when you come down with an illness.

Because our bodies use its recovery properties to fight illness, most of the time it is best to take a break from your fitness routine in order to allow your body to fight whatever is attacking it. Steve suggests increasing vitamin C and water intake the moment you feel like you are coming down with something. As the illness progresses, make sure to rest as much as possible-whether that is taking off work or missing out on a weekend party. It's also best during this time that you eat as cleanly as possible-no soda, sweets, or junk food. It can be better during this time to eat small meals throughout the day to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs without burning lots of energy digesting a large meal. When the illness has run its course, ease back into exercising- don't rush. Slowly working your way back up to the level you were at before you got sick gives your body time to acclimate.

Try to remember...as hard as it might be to skip out on some workouts, it is better for you in the long run to let your body rest and recover. It might even make you stronger on the other side!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Don't Miss Out!!

Simply click on the photo to order now!!!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Our Story- How Beachbody Transformed Our Lives

Robert and Melissa’s fitness journey is not that different from most people except for the fact that they have been doing it together. The whole thing started when Robert found P90X on the internet back in 2005. When Robert first told Melissa that he had bought it, she was not too happy. Feeling that he has just wasted their money, she challenged him to get the same results that others had. Well, that was just the challenge that Robert needed. In those first 90 days with P90X and following the nutrition guide, Robert experienced incredible results, including 18 pounds lost, 17% body fat lost and seven inches around his waist lost. But it wasn’t so much about all that was lost, it was more about all that he gained. He gained his self-esteem, his self-image and his “swagger” back! Well, once Melissa saw what the program did for Robert, she was a believer and as you can see from her 90 day results, the program worked just as good for her as it did for Robert. And since that first 90 days with P90X, Robert and Melissa have been working out together,  mixing in some other programs like P90X+, One-on-One, Insanity, Turbo Fire, ChaLEAN Extreme and more. Plus, with their daily Shakeology, they continue to maintain their healthy lifestyle and enjoy the opportunity to help others do the same as Independent Coaches for Team Beachbody.

Life has definitely been great for Robert and Melissa and they are excited to be able to help you get these types of results as well. Their coaching is free, just contact them.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Team Beachbody in Canada

A few weeks ago Beachbody made a huge announcement...the pre-launch of Team Beachbody Canada. For the first time Canadian customers have the opportunity to become a Beachbody coach and grow their own businesses in their own country. While this new opportunity is exciting, there are a few important things to know if you are thinking of becoming a new coach. Per a FAQ by Beachbody, the company is still in the process of completing registration and regulatory approvals with the Canadian government. This means that until the official launch, which is anticipated to take place in early 2013, Canadian coaches will be operating a U.S. independent business. However, once the official launch occurs a Canadian resident's U.S. business will transfer to a Canadian business.

Despite a few technicalities, Canadian coaches will have all the benefits of being a part of Team Beachbody, including:

  • Saving 25% on all Beachbody products.
  • Earning a 25% commission on all products sold through coaches sites.
  • Recruit U.S.. or Canadian citizens to become coaches.
  • Access to all marketing and training tools.
  • Compensation Plan

This is an exciting new phase for both current Beachbody coaches and Canadian citizens. The amazing products, community, and life change that comes with being a member of Team Beachbody is going to change Canada for the better!! We can't wait!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


Shakeology Tropical Strawberry has arrived!

Yes it's finally the long awaited day of Tropical Strawberry-ness we have all been eager for since we tasted it last year at summit 2011. Well wait no more!

This VEGAN shake, yes you read right. Vegan shake is the most delicious meal replacement shake you will ever have. With flavors such as coconuts, papayas, pineapples, bananas, strawberries, and much more super foods what's not to love about this 100% vegan, soy and dairy free shake.

Many people digest plant proteins better than animal proteins and Tropical Strawberry Shakeology contains vitamins and nutrients your body craves in a more readily assimilable form to keep you strong, healthy, lean, and focused. It will without  a doubt help you: LOSE WEIGHT, REDUCE CRAVINGS, STAY REGULAR, FEEL ENERGIZED, EXPERIENCE VITALITY!

What makes this shake so different is that for the first time ever, 100% Vegan is creamy and smooth.

The wizards behind the creation of Shakeology make this a smooth, gritt free vegan taste by blending ultra-fine, bio-fermented, raw sprouted brown rice protein with sacha inchi, quinoa, chia, flax, amaranth, and spirulina. so it will taste good and be even better for you.

Why you might ask? Because when a seed sprouts, it transitions from being dormant, to active, catapulting a metabolic explosion of nutrition. Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants all skyrocket, creating more amazing stuff for your body. Sprouting also synthesizes healthy enzymes and increases the quality of proteins. And it reduces phytic acid, a substance that interferes with a body's ability to absorb minerals. Bio-fermenting further breaks down the rice rain, releasing enzymes to make it easier for your body to absorb it's vitamins and other nutrients.


The wonders of Sacha Inchi. It's high-quality, easily absorbable, organic vegetable protein is remarkable in so many ways. First, it's naturally rich in good fats and fiber, which helps control your appetite. It also helps promote the body's natural anti-inflammatory response to keep you healthy. And sacha ichi has a very high concentration of omega fatty acids--providing a perfect balance of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9.

Sacha Inchi 


Whole foods are super important. All the key nutrients in this shake come from 100% whole foods. And what's so great about whole foods? Because they're unprocessed and unrefined, whole foods deliver vitamins and nutrients to your body in the most holisitc and easily assimilated way--the way nature intended.

With Superfoods comes great super nutrition. In Shakeology Strawberry Tropical they've added four new superfoods!

Coconut Flower Nectar -- High in potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron; is a natural source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C; AND contains 17 amino acids. It's also rich with inulin, a prebiotic fiber that feeds our intestinal flora and helps boost digestive and immune functions.

Luo Han Guo Fruit -- low glycemic fruit has been used as a powerful and healthy way to lend natural sweetness to foods in Asia for nearly a millennium. It's antioxidant properties help with immune health, and the fruit has also been used in Asia for medicinal purposes, such as respiratory support and to soothe sore throats.

Himalayan Salt -- our bodies need salt, but only the good kind. Because Himalayan salt is minimally processed, it contains more than 70 trace minerals from the Earth that our bodies need. Plus, it may help detoxify the blood and stabilize cells' pH balance.

Konjac Root -- when used as a soluble dietary fiber, this superfood helps promote healthy blood sugar levels, makes you feel quicker, promotes healthy cholesterol levels and helps clean the digestive tract of excess fat and toxins. 

We love Shakeology in every single flavor. I'm a bit of a chocolate nut myself, but I still love the flavor of Shakeology Strawberry Tropical. If you're interested or have any questions please let us know. We are always available and happy to help out.


To get yours just click the bag!




Sources: Shakeology, Beachbody


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


How Long Will Team Beachbody Continue - Carl Daikeler


Somebody asked me the other day how long I would keep working to build Team Beachbody if it doesn’t quickly meet my goal of a million coaches helping 100 million people.  The question is fair, but it shows a misunderstanding of my intent behind the effort to build the Team Beachbody Coach network.

It is not just about a means to grow the business. It is not a clever way to sell more product.

I believe that in over a century of declining health, we have found the way to get people healthy again:  Real Fitness + Real Nutrition + Peer Support + Financial Rewards.

It’s not an easy sell, because it takes work. It takes the realization that the least expensive way to stay healthy is to make sure that we’re feeding our body TRULY substantial nutrition. And it means that we can no longer expect anyone to exercise, eat better, and understand the difference between quality nutrition and pretend nutrition without the courage of someone standing up for it. Those who do put that together deserve to be well paid for it. And I see that formula getting people healthy every single day.

It’s not just about a new miracle fitness product. It’s not just about a simple way to cut calories. It’s not just about a business model that might or might not work.

The Team Beachbody formula is how people get healthy, regain their vitality, and achieve a healthy fulfilling life. Asking me how long I will keep promoting Team Beachbody is like asking Magellan how long he is going to tell people the earth is not flat, AFTER he sails around the globe. The earth is not flat. Whether everyone believes it or not.

Fitness + Nutrition + Peer Support + Financial Rewards = Success, whether a million people sign up to advocate it or not. Whether some people experience it but then decide to promote a gimmick to make a buck or not, there are no short cuts to real success and a strong metabolism. This is what I have seen work, so this is what I promote. Team Beachbody is here to stay. Whether it grows fast or grows slow.

There will always be a those of us who have made it our mission to Help People Achieve Their Goals To Lead Healthy Fulfilling Lives.

Are there faster ways to make money? Ask the fast food companies. Are there easier ways to sell weight loss? Just walk through the diet section of the grocery store. Is there another way to end the trend of obesity? No… It is Real Fitness + Real Nutrition + Peer Support + Financial Rewards = Success.  Team Beachbody is here to stay.


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com