Our good friend Tony Horton is in a new promotional video for Shakeology! This video cracks me up- but, it's so true!! Many people are hesitant about Shakeology because of the price, but when you see everything you get, and what it would cost you to buy those supplements individually, it can't be denied that Shakeology is a steal of a deal! The video shows the price as $129.95- BUT, if you sign up for home direct before April 1st, you can be grand-fathered into the current price of $119.95! It's too good of a deal to pass up. Please contact me today!! (don't miss out on the video below!!)
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Diet Tips
There is nothing more frustrating than committing to a weight loss program and then finding out that you are still gaining weight. Steve Edwards, over at Team Beachbody, has a new article about common weight loss conundrums. Below are three of the five points that I found most interesting and relevant to my fitness.
1. Cortisol. This performance enhancing stress hormone is present in your body for the "survival instinct". When you begin a new workout program, your body believes it is in survival mode until it adjusts to the demands of the program. So, you retain water to help rebuild muscle tissue. Once your body adjusts to the program, it will release less cortisol.
2. Under-eating. Some of Beachbody's programs have a kick-start eating plan in the beginning which asks that you not eat too much until you work yourself back up to a healthy eating plan. You may see weight gain during this time because of...you guessed it, cortisol. It's important that, while working out, you maintain a healthy eating plan so that your body does not think it's in survival mode.
3. The plateau. If you have been doing the same routine or workout for an extended period of time, you will stop seeing results. It's important to push past a plateau by adding resistance, increasing your intensity, or changing your workout program altogether.
I want you to take a moment and think about what New Year Goals YOU want to achieve? Perhaps one of these questions hits home for you:
1. Do you want to get healthy? 2. Do you want to fit in your skinny jeans? 3. Do you want to look in the mirror and feel GOOD about what you see? 4. Do you want to have energy? 5. Do you want to add years onto your life ? 6. Do you want to set a good example for your children? 7. Do you want to have a more positive attitude? 8. Do you want to build relationships with others going through the same things? 9. Do you want to strength your current relationships? 10. Do you want to have more confidence? 11. Do you want to get your life on track and start a new healthy lifestyle?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would love to help you get on the path to acheiving your goal! I have a new Challenge group starting SOON. Please check out my Facebook page for more details, or contact me directly!!
Making the decision to become healthier is exciting but getting started can be difficult. There are so many different ways to incorporate fitness and clean eating into your life that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Beachbody offers a host of great workouts that you can do right from your home- INSANITY, TurboFire, P90X and P90X2. They also offer great eating plans and dieting resources. One of those resources, the Beachbody Newsletter, has a great article on some of the most common dieting myths. These are the ones that stuck out to me:
1. It's organic...it must be healthy. Organic foods are great and you should try to eat them as much as possible. But, just because it is organic doesn't mean that it is good for you. Organic simply means that it does not contain or been produced using antibiotics, growth hormones, conventional pesticides, and synthetic ingredients. But, no matter how organic a cookie is, it's still just a cookie. The calories don't magically disappear in organic foods, so be careful!
2. Order a salad if you don't know what you should eat. This myth can be a good option in many scenarios, but again you have to be careful to know what you are ordering. Salads slathered with creamy dressings and topped with bacon, eggs, candied nuts, etc are not a healthy choice. It's best to go with dressing on the side and only fresh veggie toppings.
3. Avoid snacking on fruit- it's just sugar. Yes, fruit contains sugar. But it also contains antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. A candy bar doesn't offer any of those! So, while sugar can be an enemy to you weight loss, fruit is the perfect alternative to junk!
To see the full list of myths, head over here!
It's probably been awhile since you participated in the Trick or Treating of Halloween. But, now you are probably taking your kids. As kids, gorging on Halloween candy was looked forward to and fun. As an adult, it is not in your best interest to continue in that tradition. So, here's a few tips to get you through this sweetly tempting day:
-Snack on some healthy options. The photo above is a great alternative to a handful of FunSize candy bars. Add a little chocolate or caramel to a juicy apple and enjoy!
-When our children were little, we invented the Candy Fairy. After a night of Trick or Treating, the Candy Fairy would swoop in a take the excess candy while leaving a fun alternative, like a toy. This prevents the whole family from overdoing it for days after Halloween.
I hope these tips are helpful and that you and your family have a safe and healthy Halloween!
Many people just don't know where to start when it comes to improving their health. Jumping into a workout can seem daunting, cutting back on favorite foods is easier said than done. While both fitness and eating right are essential to a healthy life, a great way to ease into the process is by using Shakeology. This patented daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need. Check out this comparison!
This great shake comes in three different flavors: Chocolate, Greenberry, and Tropical Strawberry. There is even a Chocolate Vegan option for those who prefer dairy free! We would love to get you started on this amazing product. It could be the first step in your fitness journey...and it's the easiest step you can take!
For more info on Shakeology, as well as success stories and statistics visit their site at www.shakeology.com. To order, simply click on the photo above!
We have all seen comparisons out there so we decided to do one of our own. Our official SHAKEOLOGY versus Body by Vi shake. For this test we wanted to not be bias so we used FoodFacts.com.
You can clearly see that Shakeology scored higher and it is in fact one of the highest scoring products on the website.
Let's look at them side by side.
Throughout the various comparisons that I've read the majority of them have had Shakeology on top. The only category that Body By Vi has won is in the taste category because some people say that the Shakeology is "too greenberry-y" or "too chocolaty". I don't think that's a bad thing at all. You purchase those flavors because you like them and even then you can always alter it by adding your fruits or other pleasures. Hands down here at the Hudgens household the winner is clearly Shakeology. A reason the Visalus shake may taste better is because they use artificial sweeteners as well. You pour enough of that into anything and it'll taste good.
So even though both companies are going for the same goal. Ending the trend of obesity. There is always a better, more efficient way of doing anything and that is with Shakeology.

The "fat burning zone” has a nice ring to it, right? Using this function on cardio machines keeps you working out at a slow, steady pace—around 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate—and this low-intensity form of exercise is thought to help your body burn a higher percentage of calories from fat. (So if you burn 100 total calories, 60 of those may come from fat and 40 from carbohydrates in your body.) The problem? The total number of calories burned is the only thing that matters—not what type of calories—and working out at a low intensity ultimately burns fewer calories since you're not pushing yourself as hard as you should be. In order to maximize calorie burn (and, ultimately, fat loss) in less time, do high intensity interval training instead, says Schoenfeld. To try it, alternate one or two minutes of easy running (or pedaling) with a quick one-minute burst of speed (you should be breathing heavily at the end of the interval.) Repeat intervals for a total of 20 minutes, and do two to three interval workouts per week for the best results. Bonus: Studies show intense workout sessions stoke metabolism for up to 24 hours after you've left the gym, burning at least 100 extra calories throughout the day, Schoenfeld says. (from yahoo.com/health)
I know I use to wonder about that "fat burning zone" area on the treadmill, thinking do I need to stay in that because I hardly sweat when I am in that zone. But now after a few years of fitness training, I realize..NO you do not stay in that zone. You push your body. Your body can handle so much more than you give it credit for. Try some interval training and watch your body get skinny. Insanity is a great workout product that focuses on Interval training. The workout program is based on that alone. Click on the link to check out more about Insanity. Also see my Insanity review here on my blog, just a few posts below. INSANITY WORKOUT REVIEW
We all have wondered at least once if we are eating the right amount of food, or more likely if we are eating too many calories and too much food. To be honest it all depends. The Beachbody calorie calculator says that I need 2,764 calories a day to maintain my weight. But my good friend Michael who's trying to lose weight while doing P90X only needs 1,380 calories to reach his goal. Then once he gets to his goal weight and size he will then have to increase his caloric intake to give his body enough fuel for the day. Even after my daily workout I usually stay fairly active, whether it's taking my kids to practice and coaching their football teams to maybe a second workout with a friend. So I usually consume around 3,200 calories a day and that's where I feel my best.
There are a ton of factors involved when trying to figure out what your intake should be: gender, height, weight, age, and your level of activeness all need to be taken into account. You can also take in account some basic numbers. One gram of fat is nine calories, one gram of carbohydrate is four calories and one gram of protein is four calories. Once you better understand what you're putting into your body the better your results can be. If you're more active then your body will require more calories but if you sit on your couch all day then you wont need nearly as many. As I've mentioned in other blogs just try and regulate what goes into your mouth. Go for the whole grain pastas and breads, go for grilled chicken instead of breaded, use spray butter replacement instead of real butter. If you can do all of these things you will be eating healthier and you will feel better. You've got to watch your sodium levels too, even more so those of you in the under 10% body fat. I know that for myself when I was around 4% body fat for a period in my life I really had to watch my sodium intake or I would get bloated and lose that definition I had.
But you must be very careful. A lot of people will workout really hard and then later feel that they have earned a cheat meal and they go to some fast food place and pig out because it's okay. It's not okay. You lose all the progress you made that day and you feel bad after eating it too. You would be surprised how many calories something can have even if it looks or sounds like it would be healthy. If you are really committed to losing those pounds and getting into the best shape of your life then you will do it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If it were easy then everyone would be fit.
So stick to your diets and exercises, and I know it's difficult and never fun but count your calories that way you know exactly what you're putting into your body. As Tony Horton says "Abs are made in the kitchen."
The latest video blog from P90X/health expert Robert Hudgens talking about making the right choices when opening your fridge. "Abs are made in the kitchen." - Tony Horton says and Robert gives you more information on how this is so true.