21 Day Fix Extreme Review
21 Day Fix EXTREME is Here! In October, I had the awesome opportunity to be a part of the 21 Day Fix Extreme Test Group. A small sample of us were given preview copies of the program along with the eating and container plan and asked to follow it to a "T" while recording our results. I can say that I was quite surprised at how I felt about the experience. I went in quite skeptical in thinking that I would be able to survive on a portion controlled nutrition plan let alone thrive in just 21 days. I am a BELIEVER! The program and the results are LEGIT.
So, what is this 21 Day Fix Extreme all about? 21 Day Fix Extreme is a new workout program that takes healthy living to a new level. 21 Day Fix Extreme includes high intensity 30-minute workouts for you to do each day featuring a variety of moves to keep your body guessing and going for more! This program also includes color coded containers with a food guide - so you do not have to count annoying calories or carbs, you just follow the guidelines according to the containers and you are all set! In this program, there is no SLACK! Clean eating ONLY - no treats or cheats. But it is only 21 Days - and it is EXTREME. With that discipline and hard work, you will see EXTREME results. No excuses. It's 21 days, and it's extreme. But if you want a lean six pack, cut arms, ripped shoulders, and toned legs....it's time to get serious.
That's me & those are my REAL results from this program. I would love to talk with you and get you started off on the right foot.
If you are interested in this program or in joining my 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Group, fill out the form below! My challenge group is created for men looking to get extreme results out of this workout. Again, there are no treats or cheats with this one -- and it's only 21 days, 30 min. a day. If you have any questions for me, fill out this form below OR email me: robert@monsterhomefitness.com.
If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com
We are back in the full swing of Fall. My days are filled with games and sport practices for my two boys, running my business, and taking care of day-to-day tasks. I know how hard it can be to eat healthy and find the time and motivation to stay active! So this time around, I have decided to make it easier by stopping the calorie counting and have turned to a much easier method. A method to help me stay healthy and push towards my fitness goals. Now, I use portion control with an easy breezy system including color-coded containers that tell me EXACTLY how much I can and and of what! Introducing, 21 Day Fix, the best of the best.
With this program, you get DVDs filled with amazing 30 min. workouts for you to do everyday, an eating guide, and the best part - color coded containers! These containers are what stop the calorie counting and allow you to eat much more freely! You simply fill up your containers with great foods listed in the food guide (including wine, chocolate, and tortilla chips!) and you are good to go!
My favorite part of this program is that it is fool-proof! You don't need to keep track of numbers, you just fill up your containers and get your 30 min. workout in and you are DONE! It can't get much easier than this - am I right?! :) Check out some amazing success photos below including myself and others on my team!
If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com
The awesome thing about working for Beachbody is that they are always coming out with new workout programs, each time they push the limits, and let's just say they have done it again with 21 Day Fix. With a new trainer, Autumn Calabrese, this program lasts for 21 days and then you are done. Each workout is only 30 minutes and includes a simple healthy clean eating program. This may look like a women's program, but don't be confused. Look below for some awesome results achieved by men and women! This program also includes containers to help you keep on track with portion control during meals and snacks. Watch the video below and see what the hype is about. Message me and I can let you know when the program is released and how to get the best support out there!
Watch this quick video to find out more!
If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com