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shakeolofy versus visalus


Shakeology versus Visalus

We have all seen comparisons out there so we decided to do one of our own. Our official SHAKEOLOGY versus Body by Vi shake. For this test we wanted to not be bias so we used FoodFacts.com. 


Body By Vi Shake Food Facts

Shakeology Food Facts



You can clearly see that Shakeology scored higher and it is in fact one of the highest scoring products on the website. 

Let's look at them side by side. 

<<<Shakeology Body by Vi>>>







Throughout the various comparisons that I've read the majority of them have had Shakeology on top. The only category that Body By Vi has won is in the taste category because some people say that the Shakeology is "too greenberry-y" or "too chocolaty". I don't think that's a bad thing at all. You purchase those flavors because you like them and even then you can always alter it by adding your fruits or other pleasures. Hands down here at the Hudgens household the winner is clearly Shakeology. A reason the Visalus shake may taste better is because they use artificial sweeteners as well. You pour enough of that into anything and it'll taste good. 

So even though both companies are going for the same goal. Ending the trend of obesity. There is always a better, more efficient way of doing anything and that is with Shakeology. 


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com