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P90X2 Workout Review



Are you thankful that you ordered P90X but are ready for a new challenge? P90X2 will not only rock your world, it will turn your body into solid rock hard muscle!! P90X was the first fitness program that truly challenged someone right from their own living room or bedroom (wherever they decided to do their workout). Sure other fitness programs started to copy P90X because it was such a huge success and it was allowing people to get amazing results without having to go to the gym. No more drive time to and from the gym. Having to wait for the equipment you needed was not an issue now that you could get fantastic results right at home when you had the time to workout.  Now 7 years later (yes P90X has been out for almost 7 years) P90X2 is ready to kick more butt, get you into even better shape, challenge you like you have never before, and make you push yourself further than you ever thought possible.

Check out my review of P90X2

So did you watch the video and hear about all the free things you get when pre-ordering P90X2 from my links?  Two FREE Tony Horton workouts that compliment the P90X2 workouts!

FREE SHIPPING (Don't you just hate to pay for shipping, I know I do.)

Plus, you're name is entered for some really amazing prizes!!!

There are 3 ways to get P90X2.  There is the Base package, the Deluxe package, and the Ultimate package.  Each one comes with the full DVD workout system and then there are different equipment options in each package.  P90X2 is now available in Blu-Ray as well!!  So, let's get ready to BRING IT in High-Def!  

P90X2 Base Package - $119.85  (Click on the links to see what comes in each package)

P90X2 Deluxe Package - $239.70

P90X2 Ultimate Package - $299.55  (Check out that crazy foam roller..OUCH) 

Tony Horton P90X2


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com


P90X2 Workout Review

While we were away in LA for Summit 2011 we got more information on the upcoming release of P90X2. This workout is definitely a step up from P90X and is not for the faint of heart. Check out our video on YouTube for more information!


If you have any questions or would like free coaching and advice on your fitness journey, please email us: melissa@monsterhomefitness.com